Lush Cherry, an insatiable fragrance designed as a reminiscent of juicy cherry, presents a delicately balanced luxury perfume for both men and women.
Lush Cherry's candy-like brilliance of exotic black cherry liqueur tinged with seductive bitter almond gives way to a Turkish rose and jasmine sambac blend that enters the senses. Get a taste of the forbidden fruits with a touch of Peru balsam, roasted Tonka, sandalwood, vetiver and cedar.
Unquenching yet satisfying, this contradictory mixture for men and women comes in a chic red bottle, brilliantly entering the fantasy world of juicy fragrances and giving it a look of luxury perfume for men and women.
Impossible to resist, this unisex perfume feels like ecstatic booze ready to fill the senses with immense joy, the ultimate perfume gift for men and women complementing their charms.